Hot Hit Products

What is Hot Hits Products?

New Product Hot Hits to encourage interaction and meetings onsite. Directly derived from and inspired by the G2E Asia Mobile App and its Lead Gen Scanner feature, it presents a real-time ranking of the most popular products and services showcased by G2E Asia exhibitors. Via the mobile app, visitors scan the QR code of exhibitors or new products of interest, with an added option to place their “Like” or “Favorite” votes. Subsequently, all “Like” votes are reflected live as “New Product Hot Hits” right on the show floor!

Hot Hits boards are installed in high-traffic areas around the show floor and provide a real-time ranking of the top ten most scanned and “Liked-by-visitor” new products, while a “Heat Index” provides a real-time monitoring of overall app performance. New Product Hot Hits allows the best products to speak for themselves, while generating constant buzz across the show floor and increasing visitor engagement. Most of all, it ensures a fair platform of competition for all. It particularly provides exceptional exposure and promotional opportunities for small or medium-sized company products, regardless of the size of their exhibit.

How Hot Hits Products works?

1.Visitors Scan any QR code on exhibitors’ booth with Reed Connect App and bookmark.

2.The scanning data and bookmark will be recorded and analyzed.

3.The billboard will show the rank of the popular products(The Hot Hits Product) based on the real-time data of the overall performance of App Scan activeness , App online browse and bookmark via G2E Asia onsite.

4.The Hot Hits products is a good reference for visitors to find what’s new and hot for G2E Asia 2018.

Comments from G2E Asia 2017

GWIN James W:
“This product brought us significant help in the exhibition! We attracted lots of customers and business opportunities both online and offline through the Hot Hits billboard!

G2E Asia 2018 Hot Hits